Encore Music

Encore Music began over a year ago when Kirsty realised there was a gap in the market for adult music lessons, with a flexible scheduling approach, and so Encore was born! Encore represents the idea of a second chance - the opportunity to take up a musical instrument at a later stage, for your own enjoyment, and with your own goals.

Encore Music

Kirsty teaches a variety of adults in four disciplines - singing using her Natural Voice Practitioner approach, clarinet, saxophone and piano. All her students are there for their own purposes - some picking up where they left off years ago, others learning a new skill to keep their mind active, and still more using the experience as a positive mental health practice. It is also possible to book short term lessons for particualr goals - such as an audition, or to practise choir music.


Lessons take place in Kirsty’s own music room, in a totally non judgmental environment. Lessons occur at a time during the day to suit the student, with flexibility week to week and payment is on a pay as you go system. This is to allow for everyone’s busy lives!

Opportunities to perform can be arranged, if desired. Overall, Encore Music exists to enable adults to experience music on an individual basis, and the focus is on fun and relationship first and foremost.