“Music is a therapy. It is a communication, far more powerful than words, far more immediate, far more efficient.”
— Yehudi Menuhin

Music can unlock doors. It can break down barriers. Music can touch the soul where nothing else reaches. Music is powerful, tender, strong, gentle, emotive and soothing. Music is therapy. Kirsty has spent several years honing her craft as a Community Music Facilitator, Choir Director and teacher, to enable participants to fully engage in the act of music making, whether in a singing group, an individual lesson, or a drum circle. Kirsty works in all settings -

*care homes




and with people from all walks of life -



*older people

*children and adults with special needs

*mothers with postnatal depression

*people suffering with trauma

*women’s groups

*adults with breathing issues



Kirsty is currently training as a Song Therapist. Song Therapy focuses on the use of music making and singing in a recreational setting to help people with health challenges in their lives. It encourages self expression, social inclusion, creativity and self worth. It develops community and helps people to feel connected to one another. Song Therapy is also used to help people face major challenges in their lives including stroke and dementia.

Kirsty’s work has several strains -

Choral work - Kirsty is the creator and Musical Director of Lisburn Harmony Ladies Choir, and its smaller counterpart - Harmony Too

Encore Music - this is an opportunity for adults to have a second chance at learning to play or sing. Kirsty teaches daytime lessons in singing, clarinet, saxophone and piano

Drum it Out - Kirsty runs non-talking therapeutic drum circles, supplying African djembes and other percussion instruments.

Workshops - Kirsty is an amazing facilitator, working with groups as large as 400, and enabling singing in harmony, or other aspects of music making

Mini Musicmakers - Kirsty works easily with children of all ages, providing general and specific educational based music workshops and classes

To find out more about Kirsty’s work and how she could help you, your clients or your company, please look up Services and Teaching.